Explore How The World Really Lives & Thinks.

Social media and algorithms distort our view of reality.
Dorf lets you compare your life and opinions with the real world, using millions of answers from professional research surveys. It's 100% free and anonymous.

or pick one below

Favorite Music

Favorite Music

What is your favorite type of music?



How happy are your right now?

Frequency Of Intercourse

Frequency Of Intercourse

How often do you have intercourse with a partner?

Future Outlook

Future Outlook

How optimistic about the future are you?

Government Trust

Government Trust

How much do you trust your government?

Loneliness & Isolation

Loneliness & Isolation

How often do you feel lonely and/or isolated?

Workout Frequency

Workout Frequency

How often do you exercise for at least 30min?

Favorite Superpower

Favorite Superpower

Which superpower would you pick?

Daily Stress

Daily Stress

How often do you feel overwhelmed by daily stress?

Close Friends

Close Friends

How many close friends do you have?

Relationship To Parents

Relationship To Parents

How is/was your relationship to your parents?

Hours Spent Gaming

Hours Spent Gaming

How many hours per day do you spend gaming?

Social Media Usage

Social Media Usage

How much time do you spend using social media per day?

Favorite Softdrink

Favorite Softdrink

If you drink Softdrinks: What is your favorite brand?